Why EdgeLine Capital

EdgeLine Capital Partners is an independently owned partnership. Our partners are vested in the success of our clients and the firm, resulting in a very stable structure. Our GP clients can be confident that the team they hire today will be the team they work with tomorrow. Our professionals are well tenured, with an average of over twenty years per partner in the investment industry. Prior experience includes fundraising, investment management, business development, investment banking and financial structuring. Collectively, our team has represented GPs that have raised in excess of $75 billion across multiple alternative investment asset classes.

Target Markets: EdgeLine Capital accesses all major institutional sectors in North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. We have a primary concentration in Public Pension Funds, Endowments, Foundations, Corporate Pensions and Sovereign Wealth Funds. The firm also works closely with the leading institutional investment consultants and advisors. Each partner has committed the majority of their career to these target markets. These sectors provide the most significant and consistent commitment to alternative investments based on current and projected market data and research.

Global Reach: Complementing our focused fundraising approach in North America, we offer the same strategy for Asia Pacific and Europe. GPs wanting access to these areas will be represented by our distribution partners – well seasoned professionals who are based in these regions, speak the languages, and have a proven track record of success.

Investment Strategies: The EdgeLine Capital team has successfully secured capital commitments for a broad spectrum of Private Equity, Real Estate, and Absolute Return strategies. The firm incorporates a thematic approach to create a diversified strategy platform:

Diversified Core – Strategies that serve as the foundation of any private equity, real estate or absolute return portfolio, i.e., Growth Equity, Buy-Out Equity, Core/Value-Add Real Estate, Multi-strategy Credits, and Infrastructure.

Opportunistic – Strategies that capitalize on current and near term market conditions, i.e., Distressed Strategies, Opportunistic Real Estate, Secondary Strategies, Structured Products, Energy/Real Assets.

Satellite/Niche – Strategies that identify a specific situation in which the manager’s highly specialized skills can potentially capture out sized returns, i.e., Emerging/Frontier markets, Sector Specific, Venture.

General Partners: We engage with General Partners who have distinguished themselves over many years versus their peers. EdgeLine Capital targets General Partners with whom long-term scalable relationships can be established. The firm’s thematic approach to strategy selection is based on continuous input from institutional investors and the team’s extensive and real-time knowledge of the markets. This ensures that EdgeLine Capital’s clients are closely aligned with strategies where capital is being committed. We avoid conflicts by never representing competitive strategies concurrently. All interaction with EdgeLine Capital is with the senior professionals.

Audience: EdgeLine Capital distinguishes itself by understanding the intricacies of each institutional investor we call upon. We invest the time to be intimately familiar with the decision process and the individuals involved. Each partner works closely with investment staffs, board members, and advisors based on their involvement with each respective system.

Limited Engagements: EdgeLine Capital prefers to engage as the exclusive third party marketing firm for our clients, however, we are also open to accepting meaningful “carve-out” assignments. Engagement can be either at inception of the fundraising process or later in the process, where we have had significant success with our “top-off” strategy. These are engagements where the Fund has had a first closing, and we accept an assignment for a focused list of investors to complete a successful final close.

Results: EdgeLine Capital is results oriented. Our focus is to facilitate introductions, establish meaningful relationships between institutional investors and General Partners, and secure capital commitments. Each of the partners has successfully delivered on these objectives over their careers, resulting in the firm being exceptionally well positioned to continue to do so in the future. EdgeLine distinguishes itself by securing capital commitments with an efficient and proven approach.

Advisory Services: Edgeline Capital believes a firm’s brand should be communicated continuously and consistently. A tremendous amount of energy and resources are committed to secure capital commitments. This effort should not cease simply because a firm is not actively in the market. Learn more about our advisory services here.
* Through our distribution partners.